Announcement / Annonce / sâkitowin

55th Algonquian Conference

The 55th Algonquian Conference will be held in Edmonton / amiskwaciy-wâskahikanihk at the University of Alberta, from Thursday, October 19th to Sunday, October 22nd, 2023.

The conference is co-organized by the University of Alberta, and other institutions on the Northern Western Plains.

This conference is an international meeting for indigenous and non-indigenous scholars and community members to share research relating to Algonquian peoples, the largest First Peoples group in Canada. Fields of interest include anthropology, archaeology, art, biography, education, ethnography, ethnobotany, folklore, geography, history, language education, linguistics, literature, music, indigenous studies, political science, psychology, religion and sociology.

The conference will open on the evening of Thursday, October 19, with a welcome reception. Regular conference sessions will take place from Friday morning to Sunday midday. Special workshops may be organized immediately before or after the conference.

We are grateful for the generous support of this conference by the Department of Linguistics, the Kule Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada.

55ème Congrès annuel des Algonquinistes

Le 55ème Congrès annuel des Algonquinistes aura lieu à l’Université de l’Alberta du jeudi 19 octobre au dimanche 22 octobre 2023.

Le congrès sera organisé par l’Université de l’Alberta et d’autres institutions du Nord des plaines occidentales.

Ce congrès international réunit chercheurs et membres de communautés autochtones et allochtones afin de partager leur savoir avec, et leur recherche sur, les populations algonquiennes, qui constituent le groupe autochtone le plus nombreux au Canada. Les domaines disciplinaires comprennent l’anthropologie, l’archéologie, les arts, l’éducation, l’éducation, l’ethnographie, l’ethnobotanique, le folklore, la géographie, l’histoire, les langues et l’éducation, la linguistique, la littérature, la musique, les études autochtones, la science politique, la psychologie, la religion et la sociologie.

Les participants seront accueillis le jeudi 25 octobre en soirée lors d’un cocktail de bienvenue. Les communications débuteront le vendredi dans la matinée et se poursuivront jusqu’au dimanche midi. Des ateliers pourraient être organisés avant ou après la conférence.

niyânanomitanaw niyânanosâpwâw ‘Algonquian‘ kihci-mâmawapiwin 

niyânanomitanaw niyânanosâpwâw ‘Alqonguian‘ kihci-mâmawapiwin ka-ayâw kihci-kiskinwahamâtowikamikohk amiskwaciy-wâskahikanihk (‘University of Alberta‘ kâ-itamihk). mâcipayin kêkâ-nîsitanaw akimâw pimihâwi-pîsim, mîna kîsipayin nîsitanaw nîsosâp akimâw pimihâwi-pîsim, 2023.

ôma kihci-mâmawapiwin mâmawôyastâwak University of Alberta mîna kotaka mâmawohkamâtowina pahkisi-kîwêtinohk paskwâhk. 

tawâw ôma kihci-mâmawapiwinihk ohci ayisiyiniwak misiwêskamik kâ-ohcîcik — iyiniwak, nêhiyawak, môniyâwi-kiskinwahamâkêwak, ekwa kotakak kâ-wîkicik kitaskînâhk — ta-kiskinwahamâtocik mîna ta-mâmiskôtahkik ôki ‘Algonquian‘ iyiniwak, kâ-mâmawi-mihcêticik nistam-iyiniwak kanâtahk. ôt ôma kihci-mâmawapiwinihk, kâ-wî-mâmiskôtamihk iyiniwi-kiskêyihtamowin, ê-miskamihk kayâs-osîhcikêwina, itâpasinahikêwin, pimâtisiw-âcimowina, kiskinwahamâtowin, isîhcikêwi-kiskêyihtamowin, pikwaci-kistikān-iyinîsiwin, âtayôhkêwina, askîwi-kiskêyihtamowin, kayâsâcimowina, pîkiskwêwi-kiskinwahamâkêwin, pîkiskwêwiyinîsiwina, masinahikana, nikamowin êkwa kitohcikêwin, nistam-iyiniwi-kiskêyihtamowin, okimâwiwin kiskêyihtamowin, mâmitonêyihcikana ê-nâkatawâpahtamihk, ayamihâwin, êkwa mîna wîcêhtow-iyinîsiwin.

ôma kihci-mâmawapiwin mâcipayin otâkosiki kêkâ-mitâtahtosâp akimâw pimihâwi-pîsim, êkwa ê-wî-atamiskâkêhk. mâcipayinwa kakêskihkêmowina kîkisêp niyânano-kîsikâki êkwa kîsipayinwa âpihtâ-kîsikâki ayamihâwi-kîsikâki. kotaka mâmawapiwinisa wî-ispayin êtokwê mwêstas ahpô pâmwayês ôma kihci-mâmawapiwin.